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Humble yourself.

Humbleness. It is the key to all of this. Evaluate what you think about yourself. Do you think you are strong enough to handle life on your own? Let’s note that the scripture states that in order to get “lifted up” we must start at the bottom, and let God’s hand lift us, not our own. If you put yourself first you’ll finish last.

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What are some gifts and strengths God designed you with? How do you see God in your interests or your career? You can see God in any hobby you like from knitting to scuba diving. You can find him in any strength you have from math to writing. The amazing thing about God is that he is in everything we see and everything we do. Take time to find him in your own way.

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Don’t forget to remember.

In reading this passage yesterday, I began to think about things God has done in my own life. I remembered miracles I have seen. I remembered moments of experiencing His presence. I spent time remembering moments when I felt God calling me to deeper levels of devotion and relationship with Him.

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Possessed by possessions.

Our phones influence us more than we know. It shows us things. Things that others have that we “need”. It shows us the newest phone technology that is way better than what we just bought last year. It shows us what celebrities and influencers are wearing and buying so we can get it too.

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Intentionally Trusting

It doesn’t really matter how often you go to church or read your Bible unless you actually lean into it. You may think you’re closer to God when you go to church, but if you’re not accepting the word and actively seeking God and instead living the way you want and making decisions on your own, then you aren’t as close to God as you think. If you’re not leaning on God then you’re leaning towards the cold world instead.

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The Cost.

This passage is tough for many people to wrestle with. If looked at without context or nuance, this version of Jesus and His teaching would be very controversial, especially since most of what we believe about family interactions and the ways we should value family in our modern “western” worldview stems from Judeo-Christian teachings. Why would Jesus be telling us that we need to abandon our family, our spouse, our children for Him?

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Anger. Something I’ve struggled with my whole life. Why is it a natural tendency to feel angry when offended? Maybe it’s a worldly mindset of pride. Maybe we it’s a reaction or influence picked up from movies or music. Maybe we watched other people in our lives react that way.

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Fruit of the Heart

Jesus is saying here that we are like trees that produce fruit. We have two options: either we can produce bad fruit or good fruit. It’s that simple. Where it gets shady is defining what’s good and bad. That’s not extremely complicated either, it’s just people make it harder than it needs to be. God gave us a historical document that is a guide for life. The Bible, and in it tells us that Jesus is Good. If you want to produce good fruit, follow the example Jesus left for us. 

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Still there.

As followers of Jesus, we aren’t promised an easy life. If anything our life might seem a little harder for going against worldly views.  But no matter what storm we are under, the sky is still blue and the Lord is still with us whether we can see it or not. 

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Death. . . Something that no one can avoid. One day we will all die. The rich can’t avoid it, the famous can’t avoid it, your mom, your dad, your pastor, death will come one day to all of us. I am not writing this to scare you into Christianity. I want you to have the proper perspective about death.

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All For Him.

We work or attend school, have hobbies, take care of kids, visit family, cook dinner, and get a full nights rest to do it all over again. On top of that, as Christians it’s our responsibility to make time for Jesus a priority as well. 

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Tell him what?

The Book of Lamentations helps us to understand something significant; God cares about what hurts your heart. I believe that God goes a step further to tell us that he cares about what hurts us, even when we deserve the hurt. 

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Meditate Day and Night

Meditation can have a lot of meanings depending on how you look at it. Meditation is being still and sitting in silence while focusing on something specific. Like most things, meditation is a tool that can be used for good or evil. Meditation itself is not evil, it is the intention behind it that determines the goodness or misuse.

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Built to Last

Is the relationship you have with God built to last? Our relationship with the Lord should not be based on how much we can get out of Him. If that is the only reason why you pray, then what will you think if your prayers go unanswered? If you have a real meaningful relationship with Him, your desires and aspirations will start to line up with his, you’ll start to start to understand why he closed certain doors for you and opened others, you’ll start to bear fruit and gain enlightening perspectives.

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The biblical idea of freedom is freedom from all that would enslave you: the world, the flesh, and the devil. And it is also the freedom not to be bound by selfishness. It is freedom to uplift others and serve them wholeheartedly. It is freedom to be humble. 

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Deny Myself?

We must pick up our Cross and follow Jesus. This is a commitment to follow Jesus. It’s not a one-time thing, it’s a lifestyle. We must “sacrifice” our flesh and live the life God has for us. This is an everyday thing. Being a Follower of Christ is not easy at all, but there is so much value in eternity for living a life for Christ. Don’t you want that?

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Fall Leaves

Fall is here! That means there’s apple orchards, pumpkin patches, hay rides, crisp air, amazing desserts and the wonderful fall foliage views. But as the season goes on, the air gets cooler, the wind picks up and the leaves start to fall.

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I Believe.

I don’t know about you, but most days I feel like I’m fighting for belief inside my own heart and mind. I believe that this is why it’s so important that this man in Mark 9 says “I do believe:; help me overcome my unbelief.” . . .

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When God Interrupts.

First off, God can do great things when we are willing. Peter and John were on their way to pray and worship God, but they were interrupted. Interruptions can be the greatest parts of God’s plan. Peter and John could have easily walked by without saying a word because they needed to go worship. . .

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