Our Mission is to lead people to find and follow Jesus.

“Over forty years ago the Holy Spirit gave a burden and vision to our founding pastor, Paul Wagner, to establish a thriving local church that would reach our community with the transforming love of Jesus Christ. In this strategic season, that very same vision has been entrusted to my care and I have the privilege of leading us towards that same vision.  

The Lord spoke very clearly to my heart when I agreed to serve as Lead Pastor that He would not only give me the wisdom to continue this vision but also to pioneer new territory in it. We not only have a rich history to protect; together, we have a radical destiny to pursue.   

Thank you so much for the value you already add to these communities. I believe that it is our honor and privilege to serve alongside you in this great adventure God has given us.”  -Pastor Rich Ryfun

It doesn’t take much to make a huge impact. .

Check Out Concept Drawings Below

Kid's check-in (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Kid's Worship Center (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Kid's Worship Center/ Game Room (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Sensory/soft play room (Artist rendering, subject to change) 

Kid's Classroom (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Kid's Classroom 2 (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Gym Renovation (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Indoor Playground Concept (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Check-in Concept (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Hallways (Artist rendering, subject to change)

Game Room Concept (Artist rendering, subject to change)