Sunday Messages, Authentic Self BC Web Admin Sunday Messages, Authentic Self BC Web Admin

Authentic Self: Week 9

You will not value the ways of God until you fathom the love of God.

Over the last several decades, younger generations have become completely unfamiliar with biblical language about God and what it means to serve him. Postmodernism says we are supposed to pursue every desire of our hearts, and that we are not morally good until we allow ourselves to sample every aspect of self-expression until we find fulfillment. But God's ways are ultimately far more fulfilling than our desires and our attempts at discovering our most authentic self,

Check out this message from pastor Joey on Acts 17 and how Paul shared Jesus with a community that was completely unaware of who God is and how much He loves them.

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Authentic Self, Weekend Messages BC Web Admin Authentic Self, Weekend Messages BC Web Admin

Authentic Self: Week 8

If you struggle with guilt and shame over past mistakes, or over wrongful actions performed against you by someone else, you are not alone.

When you enter into a relationship with Jesus however, He frees you from guilt. He released you from shame. He makes you a new person, healed and whole, unshackled from the weight and pain of our sins, and the sins committed against us. There is no real way to remove the heavy burden that shame puts on us. We make a mistake, and we feel like that mistake identifies our entire being, That mistake defines us, so why bother feeling like we're worth anything?

In this message, Jon Barnes tackles the lies used to convince us we have to drown in our shame and guilt and shows us in scripture how God removes our stains and renews our hearts when we trust in Him!

If this message hits home for you, and you’re ready to learn more about what it means to be free in Jesus, text the word “jesus” to 315-444-2100 and a pastor will contact you!

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Sunday Messages, Authentic Self BC Web Admin Sunday Messages, Authentic Self BC Web Admin

Authentic Self: Week 7

If you have given your life to Jesus, you are a child of God.

Maybe you can't wrap your head around that fact. If you've had earthly parents who never validated you, it's hard to fathom what true love from a Perfect Heavenly Father looks like.

We all struggle with this in our own way. It's easy to see pain and invalidation in children and teens, but adults deal with it too. Maybe we're better at hiding it, but we are all broken people looking for validation and acceptance from our parents, or from our spouses, or from our bosses and leaders.

God, knowing what we really need, is the only One who can genuinely validate us. He does this by washing away all of our sins and mistakes through Jesus' sacrifice, and brings us back into a relationship with Him, bearing His image and sharing in His family as children of God.

Check out this incredible message from Pastor Rich as ew continue this sermon series on rediscovering our "authentic self."

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Sunday Messages, Authentic Self BC Web Admin Sunday Messages, Authentic Self BC Web Admin

STeve Williams - MFI Guest Speaker

On this Sunday, Pastor Steve WIlliams of MFI (Ministers Fellowship International) joins us to talk about the increasing tension in the world around us, and how we as the Church are to view the circumstances as we carry the light of the power of Jesus Christ in us. From our identity as image-bearers of God, to our place as redeemed citizens who now live in God's kingdom, Steve reminds how we are shaped by God, and how the world around us can find hope by viewing God's work in our lives!

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Easter Weekend, Authentic Self BC Web Admin Easter Weekend, Authentic Self BC Web Admin

Easter at the Chapel

Welcome to Believers Chapel, where we gather to have a personal experience with God!

Easter is the greatest event to take place in human history. It is the week where Jesus Christ acted as a substitute for our sins by dying on the cross. When we deserved death, He died in our place, but death had no claim over Him because He never sinned, and God rose Him from the dead, defeating death! Join us as we celebrate this beautiful reality on Easter Sunday with worship and a message from Pastor Rich on how God redeemed us from our blindness and sin through Jesus's victory.

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Palm Sunday, Authentic Self BC Web Admin Palm Sunday, Authentic Self BC Web Admin

Palm Sunday: Authentic Self Week 3

Have you been hiding from God?

We were created beautifully in the image of God. We had a design, specifically as image bearers representing God among His creation. But as we experience life in this sinful world, fear, anxiety, anger, depression, greed, envy and shame all begin to seep into the cracks of our life and it changes us. It transforms us and distorts our sense of self. After being exposed to these vices so many times, we begin to lose sight of our authentic self.

Without sin, it was easy to live in the beautiful image God created for us, but when humans chose to put themselves above God and allow sin into their hearts, they lost their identity. We have all done this. Every human being has turned their back on God, including you and me. But there is a way to rediscover our lost identity and be free from the effects a sinful life has had on our sense of self. That way is accepting the love and grace of Jesus, making Him King in our hearts. Check out this amazing message from Pastor Rich on continuing us to rediscover our "authentic self."

If this message on identity has made an impact on you and you would like to talk to someone about how you can discover a real identity in Jesus, we would love to talk to you about it! You can text 315-444-2100 and speak to a pastor right now!

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Authentic Self BC Web Admin Authentic Self BC Web Admin

Authentic Self: Week 2

Identity is received, not achieved.

Your sense of identity will impact every other decision you make in life. We often make our desires, our "sovereign self" as Tim Keller calls it, the driving force of our identity. We focus on our deepest desires, and they can define our happiness and who we think we are. We make our identity all about "living our best life" or discovering our "authentic self" and shape our identity around these ideals. But what happens when our goals, our dreams, our aspirations get blocked? What happens when things change and shift, and we discover certain goals are not attainable? Does our identity crumble?

And in spite of what the culture around you wants you to think, achieving your loftiest goal does not fulfill you. It does not complete your identity-it lets you down. Your deepest desires could be blocked, or they could end up being unfulfilling. In truth, we need to discover a deeper, truer sense of who we are, and the answer is in the God Who created us. Our identity must be defined by Him and who He says we are.

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Authentic Self BC Web Admin Authentic Self BC Web Admin

Authentic Self: Week 1

We have an identity crisis in America today. We are consumed with how others perceive us, and it has become so natural that we hardly notice it anymore. Media, culture, or other social systems and structures tell us who we are supposed to be. Their words and expectations create a silent pressure that forces us into a mold and shapes our identity.

But God never intended our identity to be shaped by these forces. God created you to be a child of His, close to Him, personal with Him, and DEFINED by His love for you. All humans were created in God's image. The world around us tells us who we are allowed and not allowed to be, but we don't have to listen to the world. We don't have to listen to voices that bring shame, guilt, anxiety, condemnation or conformity. We can find our identity in God as His child, created in His image and designed to be in a loving relationship with Him. Join us in a series of messages that expose the lies of broken identities all around us and seeks to rediscover what it means to be authentically ourselves, created by God in His image.

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