Palm Sunday: Authentic Self Week 3

Have you been hiding from God?

We were created beautifully in the image of God. We had a design, specifically as image bearers representing God among His creation. But as we experience life in this sinful world, fear, anxiety, anger, depression, greed, envy and shame all begin to seep into the cracks of our life and it changes us. It transforms us and distorts our sense of self. After being exposed to these vices so many times, we begin to lose sight of our authentic self.

Without sin, it was easy to live in the beautiful image God created for us, but when humans chose to put themselves above God and allow sin into their hearts, they lost their identity. We have all done this. Every human being has turned their back on God, including you and me. But there is a way to rediscover our lost identity and be free from the effects a sinful life has had on our sense of self. That way is accepting the love and grace of Jesus, making Him King in our hearts. Check out this amazing message from Pastor Rich on continuing us to rediscover our "authentic self."


Easter at the Chapel


Authentic Self: Week 2