Authentic Self: Week 1

We have an identity crisis in America today. We are consumed with how others perceive us, and it has become so natural that we hardly notice it anymore. Media, culture, or other social systems and structures tell us who we are supposed to be. Their words and expectations create a silent pressure that forces us into a mold and shapes our identity.

But God never intended our identity to be shaped by these forces. God created you to be a child of His, close to Him, personal with Him, and DEFINED by His love for you. All humans were created in God's image. The world around us tells us who we are allowed and not allowed to be, but we don't have to listen to the world. We don't have to listen to voices that bring shame, guilt, anxiety, condemnation or conformity. We can find our identity in God as His child, created in His image and designed to be in a loving relationship with Him. Join us in a series of messages that expose the lies of broken identities all around us and seeks to rediscover what it means to be authentically ourselves, created by God in His image.


Authentic Self: Week 2


Why Church? Week 6