Authentic Self: Week 8

If you struggle with guilt and shame over past mistakes, or over wrongful actions performed against you by someone else, you are not alone.

When you enter into a relationship with Jesus however, He frees you from guilt. He released you from shame. He makes you a new person, healed and whole, unshackled from the weight and pain of our sins, and the sins committed against us. There is no real way to remove the heavy burden that shame puts on us. We make a mistake, and we feel like that mistake identifies our entire being, That mistake defines us, so why bother feeling like we're worth anything?

In this message, Jon Barnes tackles the lies used to convince us we have to drown in our shame and guilt and shows us in scripture how God removes our stains and renews our hearts when we trust in Him!


Authentic Self: Week 9


Authentic Self: Week 7