Authentic Self: Week 7

If you have given your life to Jesus, you are a child of God. Maybe you can't wrap your head around that fact. If you've had earthly parents who never validated you, it's hard to fathom what true love from a Perfect Heavenly Father looks like. We all struggle with this in our own way. It's easy to see pain and invalidation in children and teens, but adults deal with it too. Maybe we're better at hiding it, but we are all broken people looking for validation and acceptance from our parents, or from our spouses, or from our bosses and leaders. God, knowing what we really need, is the only One who can genuinely validate us. He does this by washing away all of our sins and mistakes through Jesus' sacrifice, and brings us back into a relationship with Him, bearing His image and sharing in His family as children of God. Check out this incredible message from Pastor Rich as we continue this sermon series on rediscovering our "authentic self.


Authentic Self: Week 8


STeve Williams - MFI Guest Speaker