Sunday Messages, Back to Life BC Web Admin Sunday Messages, Back to Life BC Web Admin

Back to Life: Week 1

Jesus wants to bring you from death to life.

The Bible tells us that sin brings death, and death brings with it a putrid smell and decaying cast over everything. This was the case with Lazarus, one of Jesus' closest friends, who had been dead for 4 days by the time Jesus finally gets to him in John chapter 11. Jesus asked for Lazarus' tombstone to be rolled away from the entrance to his grave, but everyone was concerned about the stench of decay. But Jesus isn't afraid to roll away stones in our lives. Jesus is not intimidated by the stench of our sinful messes and mistakes. Jesus is not afraid to pull us from the pits of death itself and brings us to life again.

Have been ignoring the dead things in your life? Have you been letting sin and death overwhelm you and eat away at the promises God has for you? If so, it's time to let Jesus roll away those stones and call you out into the light and resurrect the promises of God once again. Let Jesus clean you up and bring you back to life again!

Watch this entire message from pastor Kason as he launches our series, "Back to Life."

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Sunday Messages BC Web Admin Sunday Messages BC Web Admin

You are not your Issues

How we define ourselves carries far more weight than we recognize. Names are important to God and are powerful indicators of who we will become. How we identify ourselves will have major consequences on how our future will turn out.

In Mark 5, Jesus confronts a man living in a graveyard who has lost his name. He is now identified by the demons who possess him and the chains that bind him. But chains cannot solve this man's problems, because you cannot solve spiritual problems with human solutions.

This man was defined by his problems. God does not define us by our sins or struggle. God sees the human He created: A human God wants to be defined by the purpose and love God always intended for him. This man lost his identity and was defined by his issues until he met Jesus. Are you defined by your issues? It's time to take your name back. Check out this message from Pastor Kason on the power of our real identity.

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Upside Down Kingdom, Sunday Messages BC Web Admin Upside Down Kingdom, Sunday Messages BC Web Admin

Upside Down Kingdom: Week 3

No one thrives by burying their sin. They thrive by letting God bring it to light and set them free.

Our sin and our shame ruin our lives and subsequently ruin the lives of those around us. In the Psalms, King David tells us that when he hid sin in his heart, it ate away at his soul and whithered his bones. This is exactly what sin does to all of us. It eats away at us. It consumes us and buries us in shame to the point where we live a complete lie when we're out in public, trying to hide the darkness destroying us inside.

God's answer? Stop hiding it. Stop burying it. The kingdoms of this world believe you should hide your sin and shame, or be ridiculed and dismissed completely. But God wants to bring those sins to the surface, forgive them, and set you free from guilt and shame. God's kingdom brings sin to light and heals us from its effects.

Check out this powerful message from Pastor Kason we as continue our series "Upside Down Kingdom."

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Sunday Messages, 3 Purposes BC Web Admin Sunday Messages, 3 Purposes BC Web Admin

Vision Sunday: Our 3 Purposes

We are a church that exists to see 3 things happen: To see people

1. Experience God

2. Know God

3. Share God

We experience God through worship experiences on the weekends and small gatherings like Crews throughout the week. We get to know God better through sound teaching, Bible study, academic education, and encounters with the Holy Spirit. We share God by proclaiming His love and salvation in our church, in our community, and in our world through several means, including organizations that preach across the globe and fight for social justice and human value.

Join us as Pastor Rich sits down with Pastors Phanuel and Presanna Robinson from our church in India, with Pastor Kason who oversees our gospel outreach strategies in Central New York, and with other local leaders and business owners, we partner with to further these 3 purposes for the kingdom and glory of God!

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Heaven & Hell, Sunday Messages BC Web Admin Heaven & Hell, Sunday Messages BC Web Admin

Heaven and Hell: Week 2

One day, God will make the world as it should be. We call that Heaven.

Heaven is so much more than just some far-off place that people go to when they die. The Bible gives us incredible depictions of the reality of Heaven. Revelation 22:3 tells us that someday when God returns to make everything right again, there will no longer be a curse on anything in the universe. Heaven will be perfect, literally.

Heaven is not some place where all of our earthly desires are given to us. In fact, your desires will be completely different in heaven because you will be sinless. You will be perfectly fulfilled. Heaven is also not Jesus and a bunch of naked babies flying around singing with harps. It is not a boring place. There are many inaccurate depictions of heaven in our society, but the Bible gives us an objective reality of what Heaven is like.

Heaven is a place that consumes us with every good promise from God. It strikes us eternally with awe and wonder. Heaven's beauty is beyond mortal comprehension, and its glory is limitless. Check out this inspiring message by Pastor Kason on the glory and wonder of Heaven!

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Why Church?, Weekend Messages BC Web Admin Why Church?, Weekend Messages BC Web Admin

Why Church? Week 6

In our modern western way of life, we all have on thing in common when it comes to authority: We don't life it. We don't like someone else being in charge of our life, our decisions, our happiness, etc. We think authority equates to a form of slavery, where we cannot rule our own personal kingdoms. But the Bible gives a very different depiction of authority.

God values authority, and He personally created systems and structures of authority so that we could be protected when vultures circle us, so that we could be corrected when our mistakes consume us, and so that we can be supported when adventure lies ahead of us. Check out this message from Pastor Kason on the value, role, and absolute need we all have for authority in our lives.

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