Heaven and Hell: Week 2

Classic Art - Heaven and Hell

One day, God will make the world as it should be. We call that Heaven.

Heaven is so much more than just some far-off place that people go to when they die. The Bible gives us incredible depictions of the reality of Heaven. Revelation 22:3 tells us that someday when God returns to make everything right again, there will no longer be a curse on anything in the universe. Heaven will be perfect, literally.

Heaven is not some place where all of our earthly desires are given to us. In fact, your desires will be completely different in heaven because you will be sinless. You will be perfectly fulfilled. Heaven is also not Jesus and a bunch of naked babies flying around singing with harps. It is not a boring place. There are many inaccurate depictions of heaven in our society, but the Bible gives us an objective reality of what Heaven is like.

Heaven is a place that consumes us with every good promise from God. It strikes us eternally with awe and wonder. Heaven's beauty is beyond mortal comprehension, and its glory is limitless. Check out this inspiring message by Pastor Kason on the glory and wonder of Heaven!

If this message about heaven has inspired you to learn more and you would like to learn how to take your next step in your own faith journey, we would love to talk to you! You can text 315-444-2100 and speak to a pastor right now.


Heaven and Hell: Week 3


Heaven & Hell: Week 1