Upside Down Kingdom: Week 3

Upside Down Kingdom: Week 3

No one thrives by burying their sin. They thrive by letting God bring it to light and set them free.

Our sin and our shame ruin our lives and subsequently ruin the lives of those around us. In the Psalms, King David tells us that when he hid sin in his heart, it ate away at his soul and whithered his bones. This is exactly what sin does to all of us. It eats away at us. It consumes us and buries us in shame to the point where we live a complete lie when we're out in public, trying to hide the darkness destroying us inside.

God's answer? Stop hiding it. Stop burying it. The kingdoms of this world believe you should hide your sin and shame, or be ridiculed and dismissed completely. But God wants to bring those sins to the surface, forgive them, and set you free from guilt and shame. God's kingdom brings sin to light and heals us from its effects.

Check out this powerful message from Pastor Kason we as continue our series "Upside Down Kingdom."


Upside Down Kingdom: Week 4


Upside Down Kingdom: Week 2