Back to Life: Week 1

Jesus wants to bring you from death to life.

The Bible tells us that sin brings death, and death brings with it a putrid smell and decaying cast over everything. This was the case with Lazarus, one of Jesus' closest friends, who had been dead for 4 days by the time Jesus finally gets to him in John chapter 11. Jesus asked for Lazarus' tombstone to be rolled away from the entrance to his grave, but everyone was concerned about the stench of decay. But Jesus isn't afraid to roll away stones in our lives. Jesus is not intimidated by the stench of our sinful messes and mistakes. Jesus is not afraid to pull us from the pits of death itself and brings us to life again.

Have been ignoring the dead things in your life? Have you been letting sin and death overwhelm you and eat away at the promises God has for you? If so, it's time to let Jesus roll away those stones and call you out into the light and resurrect the promises of God once again. Let Jesus clean you up and bring you back to life again!

Watch this entire message from pastor Kason as he launches our series, "Back to Life."


Back to Life: A Palm Sunday Message


Share God: Week 4