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Flourish Week 3: The Spirit.

How much FOMO do you have? What are you most afraid of missing out on? We all experience FOMO at some point: We don't want to miss out on something spectacular. But have you asked yourself what God is most concerned about you missing out on?

Aside from heaven, the Bible actually tells us what God most wants us to not miss out on: It's the power and influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 tells us that no one has comprehended the deepest things of God, but now God has revealed such things by His Spirit. All of the greatest plans, truths, purposes, and adventures that God has in store for us are revealed in our lives by the Holy Spirit of God.

The Bible also tells us that our bodies are the new temple of the Holy Spirit, and that means our body and soul is sacred ground where the Holy Spirit can dwell, flow, and operate through our lives.

Check out this powerful message from Lead Pastor Rich Ryfun as he wraps up our sermon series "Flourish" by talking about thriving in the Spirit.

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Flourish Week 2: The Soul.

There are two common mistakes we can make when trying to change and be obedient with our lives:

(1) We can depend too much on ourselves and forget to trust God for our transformation and growth in holistic health.

(2) We can depend so much on God to transform us that we sit back lazily and pray for God to fix everything while we continue to make horrible decisions regarding our health and spiritual wellbeing.

The truth is that a healthy WILL is the key to a healthy SOUL. That means we CHOOSE things that bring us into complete obedience to God and complete health for our body, soul, and spirit.

David modeled this for us well when he said, "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God" (Psalm 42:5).

David exemplified what a healthy will looks like by turning to God with his grief and pain and ending his hope and solutions in the character of God, and we will live with a healthy soul when we can submit our will like David did!

Check out this timely message from Pastor Bethany as she continues our series "Flourish" and dives into what it means to have a healthy soul.

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Flourish Week 1: The Body

There are two common mistakes we can make when trying to change and be obedient with our lives:

(1) We can depend too much on ourselves and forget to trust God for our transformation and growth in holistic health.

(2) We can depend so much on God to transform us that we sit back lazily and pray for God to fix everything while we continue to make horrible decisions regarding our health and spiritual wellbeing.

The truth is that a healthy WILL is the key to a healthy SOUL. That means we CHOOSE things that bring us into complete obedience to God and complete health for our body, soul, and spirit.

David modeled this for us well when he said, "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God" (Psalm 42:5).

David exemplified what a healthy will looks like by turning to God with his grief and pain and ending his hope and solutions in the character of God, and we will live with a healthy soul when we can submit our will like David did!

Check out this timely message from Pastor Bethany as she continues our series "Flourish" and dives into what it means to have a healthy soul.

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