Flourish Week 1: The Body

God created humans to be complete, holistic beings. That means that everything in our design was created "good" (Genesis 1-2) and that everything in our design should operate in harmony: Body, soul, and spirit. So why do we have an epidemic of anxiety, depression, and suicide in our hemisphere today? Could it be that we are not treating our bodies with honor and care, and it's effecting the rest of our being? This month we are knocking down some of the largest barriers to living the healthy and joyous life that God has for us by going to the root of the problem; a toxic lifestyle. As we fast and pray over the next 21 days, we are going to examine what it means to Flourish in body, soul, and spirit, and how we can honor God by caring for and honoring our bodies with daily habits and god-honoring choices.

As followers of Christ, we are called to care for and respect God's good creation, and that starts with our own bodies.


Flourish Week 2: The Soul.


A new Vision for a New Year