Share God: Week 2

We are not called to hoard the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

God has called us to walk into dark places in this world and shine the light of God's forgiveness and love. We have the hope of the world in our hearts, and the worst thing we can do is keep that hope to ourselves. As the world becomes increasingly dark and hopeless, it's easy to look on with frustration and disgust and throw up our hands, condemning everyone. But God does not respond that way: He sees those trapped in darkness and desires for them to hear the truth and be led into the light. People are not God's enemy, the devil, and his demons are. The Bible tells us in Luke 19:10 that Jesus that the reason he came to earth was to "seek and save the lost." That means Jesus does not look at hopeless people trapped in darkness with contempt: He looks at them with hope and eagerness, because they are the very people he came to save. Jesus has prepared for us a lifetime of being saved, healed, sanctified, and made whole, and God has tasked us to share this salvation with others fervently.

Listen to our Lead Pastor Rich Ryfun expound on one the importance of sharing God as we continue in this sermon series based on our 3 purposes as a church!


Share God: Week 3


Share God: Week 1