Share God: Week 3

The word of God is a light that penetrates the darkness.

How can you tell the difference between the truth and a lie? The answer is in the power of God's word. It separates truth from falsehood and pierces the darkness with its powerful light. As we begin to read and understand God's word and live our lives according to it, we become lights ourselves, transformed into beams that separate truth from falsehood. We become lights that pierce through the darkness, and Jesus warns us in the gospel of Matthew not to take a light and hide it: We have to let ourselves shine in the darkness, and as we shine, darkness cannot overcome us! The gospel of John tells us that the light of Jesus shines in the darkness, and the darkness fails to overcome it. Darkness will try to overtake you. It will attempt to drown you in fear and falsehood, but God's word will always expose the darkness and guide your path. The world needs your light!

So carry the truth of God's word close to your heart and let it beam forth out of everything you say and do. It will transform communities and set people free from darkness!


Share God: Week 4


Share God: Week 2