The River of God’s Presence

The presence of God brings dead things back to life.

Why do we find excuses to keep God at a distance and only spend marginal amounts of time with Him then? Ezekiel 47 depicts a world where God's presence flows like a river, spilling into salt water and turning it fresh. Animals, plants, and fish will thrive by this river, because God is a God Who brings life to desolate places. But when it comes to living fully alive, we're struggling, and it's because we're not living in the presence of God, we're living in our own world with our own strength and spending time everywhere else imaginable but in His presence. We're living half-lives without the fullness and fulfillment of God's presence.

Think of your own daily routine: How much time are you spending with God daily? Who gets your attention when your day starts? Who gets your attention when it ends? Where does God sit in your priority list? Who is really the closest person in your life?

Today is the day you reorient your life around God, not the other way around.

Check out this message from Pastor Rich today on the significance of spending time in the presence of God.


Taste and See: The Goodness of God.


Thought Pollution: Week 6