Thought Pollution: Week 6

Thought Pollution: Week 6

It is never too late to turn away from sin and choose Jesus.

As people become more inclusive and seek to be less offensive, the topic of human sin has become somewhat unpopular. Yet the bible is decisively clear that sin is something we all struggle with, and if we do not choose to turn from sin and obey Jesus, we will regret it in every aspect of our lives.

Sin and spiritual forces of darkness manipulate us into choosing shallow immediacy over genuine happiness. They manipulate us into choosing bitterness over forgiveness, and selfishness over relationships. We can avoid talking about sin all we want, but tat won't resolve the reality that sin exists, and it will destroy our eternity with God if we do not confront it in our own lives and choose to follow Jesus over our own sinful paths.

Check out this message from Elder Gary Bell on the subject of sin as he wraps up our series on Thought Pollution.


The River of God’s Presence


Thought Pollution: Week 5