Know God, Sunday Messages BC Web Admin Know God, Sunday Messages BC Web Admin

Know God: Week 2

Did you know that 70% of America's population claims to believe in God, and identifies as some sort of Christian in faith? In reality though, the number of people who claim to understand what it means to personally Know God is significantly smaller. Unfortunately, so many people misunderstand what it means to be a Christian: They don't know the joy and fulfillment of personally knowing God and having a real relationship with Him.

Perhaps you are a person who believes in God but haven't been experiencing the joy of truly knowing God. Perhaps you grew up around religion but never went deeper. Perhaps you spent years going to church, and even serving in ministries, but the church left you burned and hurt, wishing you hadn't opened yourself up to those moments of vulnerability.

Whatever your situation, God wants you to truly KNOW Him. People make mistakes, and our fallen, broken world can scar us, but none of these things should stop us from living in complete fullness and joy in knowing our God, our Creator, our Savior and Friend.

Watch this talk as Pastor Rich teaches us how to continue seeking a real relationship with a God Who fully knows us in a world that tries to break us.

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Sunday Messages, Know God BC Web Admin Sunday Messages, Know God BC Web Admin

Know God: Week 1

Fully understanding God is impossible. That's why only God can do the impossible.

There are some incredibly hard questions we all have about the existence of God:

"How can God have always existed?"

"How is God able to hear everyone and everything all at once?"

"How does God have the ability to command His perfect will yet still give us free will?"

The fact is, we can only offer pieces of an answer to these questions because God is beyond our finite ability to fathom. But the Bible tells us that we will find God if we search for Him. If we seek God, He will draw us closer to HIm. If you want to begin a relationship with God, or find peace amidst some of life's hardest questions about God, the place to start is by seeking Him. God LOVES IT when we come to Him, even if we're coming to Him with our doubts and struggles. God can take your punches, so seek Him.

Check out the entire message from Dal Whelan as he cracks open our new series "Know God!"

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