Want to attend church at our physical location? Check out the information below and see for yourself what it’s like when you join us! Regardless of where you come from or what you’ve been through, there is a place for you with us at the Chapel. You don’t have to meet any expectation before you can belong here.


Our services are about an hour and a half in length, including church for Chapel Kids. You will always be greeted at the door by an amazing volunteer who is there to help you if you need anything.

Dress code is non-existent. Come as you are. We don’t focus on what we wear, we focus on Jesus. Wear what you're comfortable wearing.

Every weekend service involves two things: Worship and a message. The worship is guaranteed to be a powerful expression of our love for God, and the message will always be relevant and rooted in the Bible.

Chapel Kids church is for all ages! Bring your children with you and let them have a church experience geared just towards them!

Nursing Mothers Room and Nursery is open as well!

The café is available at any point during Sunday service. Grab a free coffee on us!

Giving is a part of worship. We have buckets at the front and back of the room to worship through giving. There are also offering receptacles on the wall in the entryway of the back of the auditorium for those that prefer traditional giving over giving online. Feel free to put your offering in the receptacle as you exit the service if you’re going to give. You can give online HERE.

If you can’t make it to church in person, our services are always live online via our website and Youtube page. All messages are available to watch afterward as well. You can find them on our Youtube page!

7912 Thompson Road Cicero, NY 13039


(315) 699-4140