The story of Hope in the bible is a story where Jesus radically intervenes in a world of darkness, shining like a powerful light that chases darkness away. That story is true, and embodies our situation when we agree to abandon our broken and sinful life and trade it for God's fullness and goodness.

Sometimes the darkness in our world is too much, and we don't know how to overcome it. We want Jesus, but we can't get our minds around the possibility that things can be better. But Jesus is the answer to every feeling of hopelessness and despair. There is a real community of people who have been changed by God's love, and you can find healing and belonging in that community to help you accept hope God has for you, and escape those places of darkness.

In this talk, Pastor Kason reveals the need to leave behind our hopeless and sinful lifestyles to accept the hope God has for us in Jesus, and also discusses the moments in our life when we can't seem to fathom a choice outside of hopelessness and anxiety, pointing us back to Jesus, who can overcome any darkness!

If you're in a position where you need help, but you cannot imagine things getting better, or feel like God is too distant, we want to help you. Reach out to us by texting 315-444-2100 and ask to talk to a pastor, or send us a message on our website or social media! We want to help you.


Getting ready for new


hope has come