One Body, Many Parts

In God's kingdom, you play an integral role that cannot be replaced.

The Apostle Paul uses the analogy of a human body with many parts to explain how God wants all of us to work together in Christ. No part of the body can claim it is more important than any other part, because each body part fulfills a unique function for the whole body. The eye cannot claim superiority to the ear. The hand cannot claim it does not need the foot. Every part participates for the greater good of the holistic body. Do you know where your purpose is in God's body, which is the Church? Do you know how God has called you to meet the needs of others in the body in a way that only you can? God specifically designed you to make a difference in a way that is unique to His design for you. If you haven't discovered who you are and how God designed you, it's time to explore His plans and purposes for you and pursue them! If you know how God has designed you but you haven't been working together with the body of Christ, what are you waiting for?!

Check out this highly important and powerfully true message from Pastor Rich on the Body of Christ!


Know God: Week 1


Flourish Week 3: The Spirit.