Heaven and Hell: Week 4 - What is Hell?

Jesus does NOT WANT ANYONE to go to hell.

Jesus knew, believed, and warned us of the realities of hell. It is a real place. And God's desire is that no human would reject Him and choose hell over a relationship with Him. 1 Peter 5 tells us God's will is that no human would perish in hell. Scripture tells us that one day God will cast the devil and his followers into hell for eternity. Those who choose to follow the devil will end up with him in eternal punishment.

Some people wonder if hell in the Bible is literal or figurative. The fact of the matter is, if hell is figurative, it is immeasurably worse than what the Bible even describes. God has done everything for us by paying for our sin and repairing the way back to Him through Jesus. All we have to do is choose Jesus.

Prep your heart for this serious message as pastor Rich shares on the realities of hell as we continue our series on heaven and hell.


Vision Sunday: Our 3 Purposes


Heaven and Hell: Week 3