Believers Chapel

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Immanuel: The Perfect Image of God.

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Immanuel: The Perfect Son of God Pastor Rich Ryfun

Christ came as the perfect image of God; a beautiful picture of who are were designed to be.

The Bible tells us that we were created in the image of God. God's goodness is imprinted in our DNA. But our sin has made it so we cannot live up to this perfect design. Something within us always ends up distorted, imperfect, or broken. It's as if God created us as a brilliant white canvas on which we have the joy of painting our lives, but we make a mess of our art no matter how much we try to get it right. We can't remove the splotches of mistakes on our canvas. But this is why Christ came to earth. God is the author. The original, true artist. Only God can create in us a new canvas, and model perfectly for us how to paint our lives with the beauty God intended for us.

Jesus is the perfect image of God, who became human and lived among us, a bunch of broken images and poor reflections of God. Jesus took upon himself all of our brokenness and gave to us all of his obedience and holiness.

Listen to Lead Pastor Rich's entire message on "God With Us as the son of God" as he continues our Christmas sermon series "Immanuel: God With Us!"