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The Secret to Being Content

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The Secret to Being Content Pastor Bethany Skarupa

What is the secret to being content?

Can we be okay if my life is not what we want it to be? The apostle Paul tells us he learned the secret to being content no matter what his circumstances are. While in prison, he writes to his church community in Philippi, " I rejoiced greatly for your gift... Not that I am in need... For I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need" (Phil 4:10-11).

Paul learned that we can be content because Jesus is enough.

We do not rely on our wealth, talents, status, or opportunities. Our contentedness is not contingent on our desires being met. If we expect to find contentment by reaching a certain level of accomplishment in society or buying the right things, we will never find it. But when Jesus is the center of our life, contentment comes naturally regardless of life's circumstances. There will always be "if only" moments, and the temptation to want "a little bit more," but nothing in this world is enough. Only Jesus brings contentment.

Check out this thanksgiving message from Pastor Bethany on Philippians chapter 4!