Believers Chapel

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Upside Down Kingdom: Week 1

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Upside Down Kingdom: Week 1 Pastor Rich Ryfun

What does it mean when Jesus says, "the first shall be last and the last shall be first?"

Jesus often made statements that seemed contradictory to how the world around us works. But Jesus understood something no one else did: The Kingdom of God operates in a manner completely different from this physical world. When Jesus' disciples get into an argument about which one of them is his greatest disciple, they try to undermine each other by asking Jesus to allow them to sit at his right hand in heaven someday. But Jesus claims that the greatest disciple is the one who serves in the most humble position. The person who is considered "least" in the world's eyes is the greatest in God's kingdom. Those who follow Jesus do not walk in the ways of this world anymore. They live by a set of principles established by heaven for eternity.

Check out this life-changing message on the realities of God's kingdom as Pastor Rich kicks off our new sermon series "Upside Down Kingdom."