Believers Chapel

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A Posture of Generosity

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A Posture of Generosity Pastor Rich Ryfun

God promises to meet your needs when you prioritize Him.

Scripture is full of promises from God for us. But one promise we struggle with all too often is God's promise to meet our needs when we live generously. Do we have the ability to give to God without fear of having enough ourselves? In 2 Corinthians 9, the apostle Paul encourages us to share our resources in spreading God's kingdom and meeting the needs of others. God EXPECTS us to hold a posture of generosity. When we do, God promises to provide for us whatever we need and provide it abundantly. God expects no dollar amount or quota in acts of kindness. Instead, God compels us to constantly meet the needs of others, to give, to serve, to share, and to love generously. Do not worry about having enough, because God promises to care for you in every way you need to be cared for.

Check out this compelling message on generosity from Pastor Rich as he shares how God has provided for us as a church over the years, and how our church has provided for so many others thanks to God's faithfulness.